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Our first holiday in Vietnam


In the last two weeks of May 2016, we decided to have a holiday together when Stephen came to visit me in Vietnam. Having known that Stephen had been in Vietnam twice before he met me, so this time I wanted to take him to the places where he had never been to, and they must be the best places in Vietnam that could bring us a lot of memories. Therefore, I made a detail plan for the 14 days of our first holiday together out of the UK.

Stephen flew to Saigon where I picked him up at the airport and spent our first few days in the busiest city of Vietnam. We caught up with my best friend Huong, and her family and had our first lunch in Saigon at a very nice Vietnamese restaurant in District 7. Huong and her husband treated us very nicely and not to my surprise, her daughter really liked Stephen and kept playing with him. 

















The next destination was the main location of the whole trip, Phu Quoc island. And it was where something special happened to us. We stayed in a very nice resort at the south of the island. We didn't know the fact that the resort is famous for its huge lizard and there were many of them in the hotel rooms. Although being special, the resort became the most terrifying location of our holiday when we had to see the most dangerous insects and animals in the world within a few days like: lizards, snake, spiders, flying ants, scorpions. However, the 3rd day on the island was absolutely perfect. We had a 20 minute Taichi after breakfast and then enjoying the sunshine in the warm and clear water at a lovely beach. At noon, we had a one hour session of full body massage inside the hotel and then having some wine while watching the sun going down the beach at a picturesque location. And at a very special moment, Stephen proposed me on the sand at the sunset beach and made me the happiest girl in the world. 

After the engagement, we took a flight to Hanoi where Stephen stayed with me in my sister's house. It was the first time Stephen and my sister met each other. They are both very important to my life so it's so special to see them get along. We spent a lot of time with my sister and her family and on the last few days, we took a trip to Sapa, a mountainous area in the North West of Vietnam. 

Sapa is always one of Stephen's favourist visiting place that he wanted to visit long time ago. He was amazed by the way people plant their rices in the field. He tried to learn how to plant the rice by himself. It was great to see that he was interested in my own culture and experienced it in his own way. Many of my friend admired when they saw pictures of Stephen soaking his feet in the watery field and plant the rices while many Vietnamese people don't know how to do that. 


Our first holiday in Vietnam was a great time and marked a very important change in our relationship: the engagement. We can't wait to make many more of this holiday together in the future.

September 2016 

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